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  3. 钥匙Systems Bring Automated Inspection to Motion Dynamics

钥匙Systems Bring Automated Inspection to Motion Dynamics

Over the past five years, a US-based manufacturer of precision springs, coils, and wire forms has advanced its in-house inspection capabilities with the implementation of five KEYENCE image-based dimension measurement systems and two KEYENCE digital microscopes.


Motion Dynamics Corporation, headquartered in Fruitport, Michigan, supplies markets such as medical, aerospace, electronics and automotive with a range of springs, coils, and wire forms. Founded in 1992, the company has grown quickly, and today it employs 175 people at its 73,000 ft2 (6782 m2) custom-built facility.

“We are focused on solving customer problems in the shortest possible time – no matter how complex or seemingly impossible – which is what leads to our growth,”副总裁约翰·麦克马纳斯解释道of Engineering.“We like to be innovative and take on projects that others avoid. No one here believes in saying no. We’re not afraid to invest in new technology if that’s what it takes to deliver the solution. As a result, we’ve developed some of the industry’s most innovative products; products no one else in the world can make.”

Small parts, big innovation

With the company manipulating wire as small as0.0005”(0.0127毫米)直径,运动动力学产生的一些弹簧和线圈小于盐分。当然,需要高水平的质量控制才能确保此类部分符合客户的苛刻规格。Motion Dynamics的初级行业(医疗行业)规定了AQL(可接受的质量水平),该行业指定了与批量尺寸以及哪些功能有关的零件需要测量的部分。Motion Dynamics具有ISO 13485的认证,即医疗设备的国际质量管理系统。


General tolerances for outside diameter (OD) measurements at Motion Dynamics include±0.0002”(±0.005毫米)的微弹簧和±0.002“(±0.05 mm) for standard-sized springs. Length is also closely controlled, typically to±0.002“(±0.05 mm)微弹簧。

Spring pitch measurements using a KEYENCE image-based dimension measurement system. / Critical dimensions of a wire form produced by Motion Dynamics. / Customers of Motion Dynamics can count on accurate and consistent results.


Until recently, Motion Dynamics performed its inspection using manual vision systems, which typically feature XYZ stages with glass scales and high-resolution cameras. While accurate, growing throughput requirements and increased demand for 100% inspection prompted the company to investigate automated, image-based dimension measurement systems, and they acquired a KEYENCE Instant Measurement System in December 2016. Motion Dynamics has since purchased the two additional units to further accelerate quality inspection, along with two KEYENCE LM High-Accuracy Measurement Systems, which deliver±0.000039“(±0.001 mm)精度。运动动力学还拥有两个键VHX系列数字显微镜。188金宝搏下载app

“The most recent arrival, in February 2021, was our second LM-1100,”麦克马努斯说。“每次我们寻求投资新的钥匙系统时,都会有新的进步,这是很棒的,因为我们一直在寻求提高我们的能力以使客户受益。”

Motion Dynamics parts are difficult to measure. Using round wire most of the time means the springs and coils have 3D depth, which present a challenge in the 2D plane because of the silhouette around the component. KEYENCE’s metrology equipment has helped Motion Dynamics overcome this challenge.

“我们的重点一直是投资最佳设备,因为它可以确保我们可以衡量非常具有挑战性的部分几何形状,”麦克马努斯说。“ Keyence LM-1100型号是现场最强大的系统,以实现准确性!我们可以同时检查多个组件,而无需定义舞台上有多少个部分,从而使其成为非常灵活的资源。此外,我们可以自动收集和导出数据以进行零件验证和分析,从而帮助我们改善了难以估计的组件的量规R&R(计量可重复性和可重复性)结果。”

安全-critical applications


“钥匙系统已经为我们的主流检查活动带来了自动化。”麦克马努斯州。“Additionally, customers can count on accurate and consistent results as the KEYENCE solutions remove the potential for differences between operators when using manual inspection systems.”

Motion Dynamics continually looks to improve its levels of innovation and capability. The company’s business model is based on solving challenging problems in short lead times, which is where the KEYENCE systems prove invaluable.

“我们拥有大量的高精度和宽场零件应用,这就是为什么我们使用各种钥匙内的即时测量系统的原因”麦克马努斯说。“However, the high-precision travel of the LM units cover more of our precision part measurement needs. In the future, we could very well look at the latest version of the IM or LM Series at the time as yet another advance.”

