Laser Marking on In-vehicle Cameras

Laser marking on front cameras

Forward vehicle cameras are used to alert the driver of other vehicles, pedestrians and traffic signs. Cameras are good at detecting relatively close objects and can recognize white lines indicating traffic lanes, crosswalks and speed limit signs.

Laser marking on front cameras
A / B
A: Identification marking on lens unit
Identification marks are placed on the ring that fits around the camera lens.
B: Character string and 2D code marking on e-coated parts
Lasers are used to mark e-coated parts on the camera's base. To ensure rust prevention, the marks must not completely remove the paint.

Laser marking on rear cameras

后置behin汽车摄像头显示区域d a vehicle. This video feed is displayed on the navigation monitor when the vehicle is backing up. Rear cameras often use CMD lenses because they are able to display the left, right and center areas behind a vehicle.

Laser marking on rear cameras
A / B
A: Serial number marking on camera case
Identification marking is performed to distinguish the installed vehicle model and specifications.
B: Lot number marking on lens
Identification marking is performed on the lens to distinguish the assembled case.

