Home>What is area roughness?>Surface Roughness Standards: ISO 25178 vs. JIS B 0601-2001

Surface Roughness Standards: ISO 25178 vs. JIS B 0601-2001

Surface Roughness Standards: ISO 25178 vs. JIS B 0601-2001

The chart below summarizes the differences between ISO 25178 and JIS B 0601-2001/JIS B 0671-2002.

Item / Standard ISO 25178 JIS B 0601-2001
(ISO 13565-1)
Instruments contact-type and non-contact type measuring instruments contact-type
(stylus method only)
Cross-section Evaluation target S-F surface Cross-sectional profile
Filter S-filter λs filter
Roughness Evaluation target S-L surface Roughness profile
Filter S-filter, L-filter λs filter, λc filter
Height parameters Maximum peak height Sp Rp
Maximum pit height Sv Rv
Maximum height Sz Rz
算术mean height Sa Ra
Root mean square height Sq Rq
Skewness Ssk Rsk
Kurtosis Sku Rku
Spatial parameters Sal, Str, Std
Hybrid parameters Sdq, Sdr RΔq
Item / Standard ISO 25178 JIS B 0671-2002
(ISO 13565-1998)
Roughness Function parameters Level difference on core surface Sk Rk
Reduced peak height Spk Rpk
减少谷深度 Svk Rvk
Peak material portion Smr1 Mr1
Valley material portion Smr2 Mr2

[Caution] The above chart is created based on the definitions of Surface Texture parameters specified in ISO 25178-2:2012. Please note that the above information may be changed via standard revisions after April 2012.

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