Electrical Equipment Industry
Dust Adhesion During Camera Parts Assembly
When camera parts are assembled, they are charged with static electricity due to friction and separation. Dust and other particles are attracted and adhere to the charged parts.
发送部分尘埃坚持他们的n次方ext process, resulting in the entry of dust inside the camera.

Conventional countermeasures
Conventional static eliminator
- The static elimination speed is insufficient.
- The static elimination status is not clear.
Countermeasures with static eliminators (ionizers)
An ionizer effectively eliminates charged particles and provides a visual for the static elimination status.
It can reduce the labor for cleaning the foreign particles that could not be removed.

Improvements and Effects
Words from the worksite
Reduced labor for cleaning foreign particles
Labor cost for cleaning
Labor cost per line $200/month x 10 lines x 12 months = $24,000/year
In addition, there are other resulting effects such as improved levels of trust.